Monday, December 3, 2012

Network tools for Windows

Configure IP from command prompt:
cmd>netsh interface ip set address name="Name of system" static

Ethereal a.k.a WireShark (Network protocol analyzer)
Wireshark is a free and open-source packet analyzer. It is used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and education.
Wireshark is cross-platform, using the GTK+ widget toolkit to implement its user interface, and using pcap to capture packets; it runs on various Unix-like operating systems including Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, and Solaris, and on Microsoft Windows. There is also a terminal-based (non-GUI) version called TShark. Wireshark, and the other programs distributed with it such as TShark, are free software, released under the terms of the GNU General Public License
For those familiar with tcpdump, think of Ethereal as a GUI form of tcpdump that shows you the whole packet and can break down the packet to show individual fields. For those who haven't used tcpdump or similar packet sniffers, it might be best to show the capabilities of Ethereal through a few examples.
Typically, you want to capture some data from the network attached to your workstation; do this by selecting Capture→Start...,  When you've captured the data you need, stop the capture and examine it. Ethereal is useful for understanding various network protocols. Ethereal also is useful for educating users and management about the dangers of using protocols that send data in clear text :-)

The tool can be obtained from :


PuTTY is a free and open source terminal emulator application which can act as a client for the SSH, Telnet, rlogin, and raw TCP computing protocols and as a serial console client. The name "PuTTY" has no definitive meaning,[1] though "tty" is the name for a terminal in the Unix tradition, usually held to be short for Teletype.

Tool can be obtained here :

HyperTerminal terminal

HyperTerminal  is a terminal emulation program capable of connecting to systems through TCP/IP Networks, Dial-Up Modems, and COM ports. If you need HyperTerminal for Windows 8, Vista, or Windows 7 HyperTerminal Private Edition v7.0 is the program for you.
Some uses of HyperTerminal Private Edition:
  • Use a TCP/IP network to connect to systems on the Internet or your network using Telnet or Secure Shell (SSH)
  • Use a Dial-Up modem to dial into modem based systems
  • Talk directly to many different types of devices using serial COM ports.

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