Friday, September 7, 2007

Corbis move paves way for higher-end microstock

SnapVillage, the Corbis "microstock" site that lets buyers such as ad agencies find low-cost imagery, has made a change that could pave the way for sales of photos in a higher-end format than the conventional JPEG.
Microstock sites typically sell images encoded in the JPEG file format, which compresses images so they're easier to upload, download and store. But many photo enthusiasts shoot photographs in "raw" formats, the unprocessed data from camera image sensors.
Raw images aren't degraded by "lossy" compression, and they give more latitude for fiddling with exposure and color balance. Image buyers are interested in that flexibility, and SnapVillage consequently is considering adding raw support.
The move could give SnapVillage an angle in a crowded market. Microstock rivals including Fotolia, iStockphoto and Shutterstock don't support raw images, though Dreamstime does.
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